Brand Compliance & Asset Management Portal

Streamline your operational costs, save time and assist your team with remote working whilst maintaining GDPR compliance. Thanks to DCS Imperium.

DCS Imperium delivers multiple benefits to businesses:

  • Brand control – Businesses can maintain the quality and control over the content of communications being sent out
  • Sustainability – Home printers generate a lot of waste in terms of energy, disposables and non FSC paper
  • Controlling costs – Printing at home can be expensive and toner costs are high combined with no bulk mail discounts
  • Employee time – Employees having to spend too much time generating documents, printing and inserting into envelopes then rushing to the postbox towards the end of the day

Adapting & Transforming

A lot has changed for businesses in the last two years. We’ve all had to review and adapt the way we work, look at staffing, location and costs whilst ensuring our brand isn’t negatively impacted.

In the new flexible working environment, many employees now work from home for at least part of their working week. And whilst this has it’s benefits it also creates business challenges. The same applies if you run global, regional or local marketing campaigns and / or you operate with multiple offices, a branch or franchise network. Either way you face three constant challenges:
– protecting your brand
– controlling your costs
– simplifying your process
DCS Imperium brand compliance & asset management platform removes all these challenges.

Your Own Virtual Print Room

Due to the increase in remote working, on-site print rooms may now be an expensive luxury no longer required. DCS Imperium integrates with your existing systems and offers you your very own virtual print & mail room. Now, all staff, wherever they may work can directly access Imperium to manage any materials needing to be printed or mailed. Imperium handles everything from a single letter, product information sheets or newsletters to flyers or a complex monthly mailing with multiple addresses needing data cleansing and sorting.

You even have the ability to set individual or departmental budgets to help keep printing expenses as low as possible. So DCS Imperium virtual print & mail room helps you achieve economies of scale lost through staff operating from multiple locations due to:

  • using expensive printer materials for local office or home printers
  • failing to achieve bulk-mailing discounts

Brand Compliance & Asset Management

Brand compliance is the process of ensuring all your communications consistently maintain your brand identity. Inconsistent, off-brand or unprofessional content can damage your brand reputation. It’s even more difficult for businesses with multiple outlets or a branch network. Or where lots of employees across several departments now spend more time working from home.

DCS Imperium brand asset management is a fully responsive central portal where you can share with all employees, wherever they work, brand approved documents, templates, imagery or logos.

DCS Imperium allows your network, offices or staff to work  independently whilst safely maintaining control over:

  • Brand communications
  • Marketing & Direct Mail campaigns
  • Product literature & brochures
  • On-site collateral including: POS, Menus, Price lists, Fact sheets
  • Stationery & customer communications
  • Marketing costs

Every item can have ‘locked fields’ which can’t be edited, and ‘open fields’ which can. This allows personalisation and local information to be added to brand aligned assets. What’s locked and what’s open is determined by you before it’s added to the Imperium brand asset management portal.

Once your employees, offices, branches edit and / or update your brand aligned marketing materials ready to distribute, they’re immediately sent to our 24/7 printing and distribution hub.

This process enables management to have full visibility of everything being used, ordered and produced. So you can ensure your brand is being maintained whilst your costs are being minimised.