Article – 5 key things to think about for your upcoming exhibition.


1 – Make sure you have a measure of success for your appearance.

A lot of exhibitors don’t put in place any form of measuring for their success at an exhibition. All it takes is one great conversation with one person and that could make your show.

  • Volume of contact – Quantify your success by measuring the amount of people who have attended your stand. Make notes and tallies as you go so should your goal be mass exposure you can calculate how many people you want to speak to over your time and push to hit this target as you go.
  • Return on investment – quantify your success by setting a target of business pre show. A lot of costs go into a show, don’t just think if I make my money back I spent on the show I’m happy. Think about staffing costs, travel and set a profit level pre show.
  • measure your time – don’t spend too much time talking to one person, and judge whether the conversation is worth more of your time. Some people will be trying to sell to you, not the other way around. When the show is less busy set other members of your team to walk around and mingle with the other exhibitors and strike up a conversation. This could lead to business for you just as much as a visitor.

2 – What are your methods for getting customer data and making contact after the show?

 It is essential that you are gathering potential leads and customer information during your time at the show. Without good information and contact names, numbers and emails gathered at the show your making the post show business push harder for yourself. This is made much easier by having methods set up at the stand that help entice people to giving you their details. We recommend:

  • A giveaway prize. Have contact sheets printed to take info on the stand.
  • A raffle. Again, have contact sheets or a business card bowl collection.
  • Digital asset send out and data capture (Ask about DCS imperium plus)

3- Do not forget the importance of appearance and dressing your stand.

 While what you are doing and saying at the stand during the show is what is going to win you business, do not underestimate how much having a professional looking and eye-catching stand setup drives people to your stand and presents your brand correctly. We constantly see exhibitors make minimal effort to dress the shell scheme leaving things looking bland and boring and they do not put across your brand in a positive light and do nothing to bring visitors attention. Communicate your brand message, what you do and why you’re great in your shells branding and you will see more people stop by and will aide you in your conversations.

DCS create a vast array of stand graphics sustainably on site, and have designers on hand to help you create the best possible branding. If you need some insight or examples just ask us.

4- Giveaway items are essential, make sure yours are smart and right for you.

 Most exhibitors underestimate the importance of giveaway items at a show. Some bring nothing, some bring generic items which don’t hurt, event staples like tote bags and pens are extremely useful. However, in our vast experience if you put the thought and time in to getting either an unusual choice or something tailored specifically to your business that people are more likely to keep, this goes a long way in bringing them back to you further down the line.

At DCS we pride ourselves in providing an enormous and sustainable promotional merchandise range and our experienced staff will always chat through your plans and ideas to make sure you have tailored quality items that will bring your potential customers back! If you can think it, we will make it happen.


5 – Be well prepared and don’t leave everything until the last minute!

This one may sound obvious, but when planning an event appearance there is a lot to plan, organise and execute and it’s very easy for it all to get on top of you and for things to be left right up till the show is about to begin. Be strict with your planning and make sure everything is well prepared beforehand.

Whether you’re well organised or leaving things last minute DCS don’t set deadlines and were onsite here at the ExCeL to help with any last-minute requests and we can even bring things up to your stand on the day. So if it’s a last minute problem or if you have run out of anything mid show, we’re always here to help.